IP Telephony – September 9th, 2003


Main presentation: IP Telephony


This will be the 5th meeting in our new location, the Farmington Community Library.

6:00pm Doors open, registration
6:30pm Mug business
6:45pm Main presentation – IP Telephony by John Lodden

This presentation show us more about IP Telepony than we ever thought possible. John Lodden is very knowledgeable on the subject, and John is always fun to have as a speaker.
7:45pm Current events
8:00pm 2nd presentation – SSH by Jim McQuillan
SSH is popular as a replacement for Telnet, but it also is very powerful for other things like port forwarding, and running the X protocol thru an SSH encrypted/compressed tunnel. This isn’t a full presentation, but we will go into the basics of how to setup a tunnel, and why you would want to.
8:30pm Coders corner / Curious Ron / QuickTip
8:45pm Meeting adjourns
9:00pm Dinner at a local establishment
After the meeting, everybody is invited to grab dinner at a local restaurant