Introduction to Angular (March 12th, 2019 – MUG Meeting)

Introduction to Angular by David Agbenyega

March 12th 2019 - MUG Meeting

Regular MUG Meeting

We meet at 6:30pm on the second Tuesday of each month at the Farmington Community Library.

Topics Include:

Introduction to Angular

With the introduction of single page application tooling and concepts, frontend frameworks now have DOM composition and manipulation capabilities that belonged exclusively to server-side scripting languages like PHP & Python. With Angular, rich client side applications are able to re-render their pages in response to navigation events without making a request to fetch new HTML.

This talk introduces Angular as a multi-platform framework with an extensive feature set for web application use cases that range from hobbyist side projects to enterprise applications. We examine Angular's history and versioning nomenclature briefly and take a closer look at what the framework offers and what makes it so popular.

David Agbenyega is a software developer at United Shore Financial Services where he actively builds web components using the angular framework. He has a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science from Ashesi University in Ghana & a Master's Degree in Supply Chain Management from the University of Warwick, UK. Fun fact - In 2016 he founded an e-commerce fulfillment company in Ghana  (part of the Jumia Group of Companies) - which continues to provide order management and last-mile delivery across the country. In his spare time, he teaches his 2-year old to play Mario-Kart or e-picks off books from his Goodreads shelf.

Plus we'll have our regular features: Jobs Looking for People, People Looking for Jobs, and much more! We'll also be meeting for dinner at the Buddy's Pizza in Novi (44225 W 12 Mile Road, Novi, MI 48377) after the meeting. 

March 12th, 2019 from  6:30 PM to  8:45 PM
32737 W 12 Mile Rd
Farmington Hills, MI 48334
United States
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