IP Telephony – September 9th, 2003


Main presentation: IP Telephony


This will be the 5th meeting in our new location, the Farmington Community Library.

6:00pm Doors open, registration
6:30pm Mug business
6:45pm Main presentation – IP Telephony by John Lodden

This presentation show us more about IP Telepony than we ever thought possible. John Lodden is very knowledgeable on the subject, and John is always fun to have as a speaker.
7:45pm Current events
8:00pm 2nd presentation – SSH by Jim McQuillan
SSH is popular as a replacement for Telnet, but it also is very powerful for other things like port forwarding, and running the X protocol thru an SSH encrypted/compressed tunnel. This isn’t a full presentation, but we will go into the basics of how to setup a tunnel, and why you would want to.
8:30pm Coders corner / Curious Ron / QuickTip
8:45pm Meeting adjourns
9:00pm Dinner at a local establishment
After the meeting, everybody is invited to grab dinner at a local restaurant

Intellectual Property – August 12th, 2003


Main presentation: Intellectual Property


This will be the 4th meeting in our new location, the Farmington Community Library.

6:00pm Doors open, registration
6:30pm Mug business
6:45pm Main presentation – Configuring a secure website using Apache and SSL by Ron Colcernian.

This presentation will configuring the Apache web server with !OpenSSL to create a secure website. Included will be details on using htaccess, cgi-exec, virtual hosts, file exclusion, and allow/deny features.
7:45pm Current events
8:00pm 2nd presentation – !SpamAssassin by Erick Tyack
SpamAssassin is a spam blocking program that does a great job of blocking most of that annoying spam that is becoming an enormous problem for anyone with an email account.
8:30pm Coders corner / Curious Ron / !QuickTip
8:45pm Meeting adjourns
9:00pm Dinner at a local establishment
After the meeting, everybody is invited to grab dinner at a local restaurant

Intellectual Property – July 8th, 2003


Main presentation: Intellectual Property


This will be the 3rd meeting in our new location, the Farmington Community Library.

6:00pm Doors open, registration
6:30pm Mug business
6:45pm Main presentation – Intellectual Property Law by David Gaskey

This presentation will focus on software patents and copyrights. This is particularly relevant at this time, with the SCO/IBM Legal battle currently taking place.
7:45pm Current events
8:30pm Coders corner / Curious Ron / !QuickTip
8:45pm Meeting adjourns
9:00pm Dinner at a local establishment
After the meeting, everybody is invited to grab dinner at a local restaurant

IPSec – June 10th, 2003


Main presentation: IPSec
2nd presentation: SQL-Ledger


This will be the 2nd meeting in our new location, the Farmington Community Library.

6:00pm Doors open, registration
6:30pm Mug business
6:45pm Main presentation – IPSec by Jim Small
IPSec is a method of encrypting communications between computer systems. It is available in almost any current Operating System, including Linux and MS Windows
7:45pm Current events
8:00pm 2nd presentation – SQL-Ledger by Erick Tyack
SQL-Ledger is a free Open source accounting application written in Perl, utilizing a Postgresql database. It is very robust and full of features.
8:30pm Coders corner / Curious Ron / !QuickTip
8:45pm Meeting adjourns

IRC – May 13th, 2003


Main presentation: IRC – Internet Relay Chat
2nd presentation: OpenOffice.org


This will be the first meeting in our new location, the Farmington Community Library.

6:00pm Doors open, registration
6:30pm Mug business
6:45pm Main presentation – IRC by Jim McQuillan

Internet Relay Chat (IRC) has become incredibly popular as a method for offering online support. It’s been around since way before AOL chat rooms. We’ll go through getting connected to IRC, and chosing an IRC client program.

7:45pm Current events
8:00pm 2nd presentation – OpenOffice by Richard Williams

OpenOffice is the free Open source version of Sun’s StarOffice. It has grown over the past few years to be incredibly powerful and full of features. It’s a serious contender for the business desktop .

8:30pm Coders corner / Curious Ron / QuickTip
8:45pm Meeting adjourns

Packet Filtering – April 8th, 2003

A continuation of the Packet filtering talk from Jim Small, also more discussion about the new venue for future meetings, and we’ll be taking up a collection for a friend who we lost a few weeks ago.

Slides: Packet Filtering Theory
Bill Cheswicks slideshow

A couple of things to take care of at the next meeting:

  1. Most of you should have received the news last week about the loss of one of our long-time members. Glenn Jacobson had been sick with Pneumonia, and he passed away on March 26th. The family had requested that rather than send flowers, we should instead make a donation in Glenn’s name. What we’d like to do is take up a collection at the April meeting, and send a donation to the Free Software Foundation. Glenn was a true believer in Free sofware and Open Source, and I’m sure he’d appreciate that. So, if you have something that you can add to the collection, it would be greatly appreciated.
  2. The main topic at the April meeting will be a continuation of the Packet Filtering talk that Jim Small started at the March meeting. The first part was really interesting, and Jim’s got a great way of explaining how it works, so make sure you are there in April to see the rest of it.
  3. As was announced at the March meeting, the April 8th meeting will be the last meeting at Rosa’s Italian Chop house. Beginning May 13th, we will be meeting at the Farmington Community Library, on 12-mile road, between Orchard Lake and Farmington Road.

Here is the address of the new location:

Farmington Community Library

32737 West 12 Mile Road

Farmington Hills, MI 48334

Support Our Friends!

So, as you can see, we’ve got alot to cover, so make sure you don’t miss it.

Packet Filtering – March 11th, 2003

Several topics to cover, including the announcement of a new venue for the monthly MUG meetings and an Introduction to packet filtering theory.

We’ve been meeting at Rosa’s Italian Chop House (Formerly Leather Bottle Inn), since some time in the early 1990’s (nobody remembers exactly when). Well, the April meeting will be our last meeting at Rosa’s. Beginning at the May meeting, we will be meeting at the Farmington Community Library.

Also, Jim Small will begin his first of several meetings discussing packet filtering.

Interchange: Free eCommerce Package – February 11th, 2003

Tonight’s meeting includes the elections to the MUG board of directors, an introduction to Interchange by Ron Colcernian, current events, and the Unix grab bag.

We’ve got a very busy schedule for the February 2003 meeting.

Lots of great stuff to cover, including:

Current Events – Catch the latest news in the computer industry.

If you have some news you want to talk about, this is a great chance to bring it up for open discussion.

Nominations for the MUG board of directors

The Board of Directors of the Michigan Unix User Group is the group of people who manage the operations of the user group. This includes such things as: Meeting locations, Meeting topics, running the meetings and running the MUG website. If you know someone who wants to be on the MUG board of directors, this is your chance to Nominate that person.

Interchange Free eCommerce package presented by Ron Colcernian.

This is a full featured shopping cart system for commercial websites.

Ron will be showing some of the features of the package, and he will be discussing many of the issues involved in launching an eCommerce site.

Coders Corner – A new monthly feature where we spend a couple of minutes showing a cool feature of a programming language.

Elections for the MUG Board of Directors This is it ! The election where we all decide who will be on the next board of directors. Think about it… You really don’t want to miss this.

Linux Grab Bag – Once again test your Unix/Linux skills by reaching your hand into the bag, and pulling out a random command. It’s a great way to expand your knowledge and have some fun too.

Potpourri – January 14th, 2003

This month we will have a handfull of mini-topics, including:

  • Configuring Apache for secure personal use
  • A Tour of Interchange – A free eCommerce package
  • Icewm – An introduction to a lightweight window manager
  • Return of the Linux Grab bag

Nominations for the MUG Board of Directors