October 14th 2014 Michigan!/usr/group meeting – Raspberry Pi and OwnCloud

October 14th, 2014 MUG Meeting

 Registration is closed for this event
Regular MUG Meeting

We meet at 6:30pn the 2nd Tuesday of the Month at the Farmington Community Library.

The Uneddited Video is at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3v_M6OmuOBU 


Raspberry Pi Model B+ package giveaway

This meeting we'll be giving away two Raspberry Pi Model B+ packages. This is the latest revision of the popular Raspberry Pi computer.

The grand prize is a complete XBMC-ready Raspberry Pi Model B+ with SD card, power supply, case, and software. The runner-up prize is the bare Raspberry Pi Model B+ board.

Both prize packages include a copy of O'Reilly's Getting Started With Sensors book provided to us by our good friends at O'Reilly books. This book is chock-full of advice and how-to tips on using simple sensors with both the Arduino and Raspberry Pi machines.

You must be present to win.


Topics for the October 14th, 2014 meeting include:

Waiter! There's a Python in my Raspberry Pi!

It seems like everyone has a Raspberry Pi or two sitting around these days, but so few people are actually doing anything with them. At this meeting, Ben Rousch will talk about using the popular and easy to learn Python programming language on the Raspberry Pi. He'll start by helping you bring your Raspberry Pi up to date, then he'll show you some handy Python modules for working with the camera and the GPIO ports. By the end of the talk, you should be ready to take the first steps towards creating your own Python-based Raspberry Pi project.

Ben Rousch is a serial user group organizer and an IT department in Grand Rapids, MI. In his free time, he usually fiddles with unusual combinations of Python, Android, and Linux. However, lately, the blinkenlights have called him to also explore the embedded space.

Notes for Ben's presentation and the source files for his scripts are at :   https://github.com/brousch/rpi_python_demo  



Cloud services have become the norm, and file backup and syncing is one of the most common cloud services. Tony Bemus will show how everyone from hobbiests to corporations can run their own cloud services using OwnCloud. OwnCloud is a free and open source project that allows you to do file syncing from both mobile and desktop, Document collaboration, file sharing, and 16 other features. Join the MUG meeting as Tony demonstrates how to setup your very own OwnCloud service! More at www.owncloud.org 

Plus we'll discuss the latest news (including the Shellshock Bash shell bug), jobs looking for people / people looking for jobs, and much much more.

Hope yo see you there!

October 14th, 2014 from  6:30 PM to  8:45 PM
32737 W 12 Mile Rd
Farmington Hills, MI 48334
United States