Meeting – January 10th, 2006

Main Topic: Python and Turbo-Gears

TurboGears is a rapid web development megaframework toolkit for complete front-to-back web development.

We have 2 presenters:

First, Mark Ramm will do a brief (15-20 min) introduction to Python programming. His intro will cover the why python question, as well as the basic syntax of Python (so we’ll have a running start!). [[][Mark’s Blog]].

Then, Kevin Dangoor, the creator of the Turbo-Gears framework will educate us with a brief tutorial on Turbo-Gears. I think his plan is to walk through the creation of a real-live wiki with auto-cammel-case linking, and some AJAX goodness. [[][Kevin’s Blog]].

TurboGears [[][Easy Installation]] on Linux, Mac OS X and other *nix-Like Systems or visit the [[][TurboGears]] website to get the fragments of the web development megaframework consisting of,
[[][SQLObject]] and

—+++ Secondary Topic: An open discussion about security

We will have an open discussion, and create a wiki on the mug web site, about security. Possible wiki topics, I don’t know, intrusion prevention and detection system tools, rootkit scanner(s), vulnerability scanner, virus scanners, good, better, bestest passwords.